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Cocktail Het Verzorginssalon

15 min.
200 euro
Aardeweg 7, 9406 outer

Beschrijving van de dienst

Onze skin cocktail is terug op stock!!!! Hoe opstarten? Je hebt minstens 2 behandelingen effectief nodig (meer behandelingen is persoonlijke keuze en dus zeker niet verplicht) 1 ste behandelingen en na 4 weken nog een behandeling. Aangewezen om jaarlijks te herhalen. Kostprijs: 200 euro per behandeling How Does it Work︖ 1.Thermal cross-linking HylaFuse Technology changes the character and behavior of the HA resulting in the formation of co-operative complexes of L-HA and H-HA. 2.L-HA is released slowly from the HA complexes making this product very biocompatible. It also provides hydration to the skin especially in the epidermis - the Hydro effect. 3.H-HA provides a stable HA architecture in the dermis. This gives a volumetric effect - the Lift effect. 4.As a stabilised product it stimulates 4 different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of HA. 5.Skin quality and skin hydration both in the dermis and epidermis have been improved. And tissue have been tightened and lifted significantly. How does it acting? The product is acting through a corrective/filling action of natural and induced cutaneous depressions, intervenes: • in the physiological process of skin aging, the effects of which include reduced skin hydration, the alteration of elastic fibers and collagen of the dermis, with loss of turgor and skin tone; • in the dermal tissue repair process, in cases of scars resulting from superficial Cutaneous trauma (e.g. acne and chicken pox scars).


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  • Het Verzorgingssalon, Aardeweg, Ninove, België

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